77-day strategy to improve your organizational development with the philosophy of Lean Six Sigma, Kaizen and Genchi Genbutsu.
In business, nothing is a coincidence, everything is a consequence because there is a reaction to every action and one of the main objectives of this book is to help you improve the work culture by improving your leadership.
First you train the mindset and then the ability to optimize the benefits of any training that will increase your business value and improve your personal life.
You are not obliged to be the person you were a year ago, a month ago, even a minute ago because you have unlimited space to improve your personal development. And if you are in a good situation that means that it is easier to reach that new level of prosperity, but you must keep an objective and optimistic perspective.
This short and light reading will calm your anxiety, give you clarity towards your life purpose and help you achieve an inner peace with which, curiously, it generates energy to prosper with daily management problems.
This essay will help you not be held hostage to seeing things in one way in order to achieve your wishes and provides you with a daily guide for 77 days to achieve your goals. The only thing you have to decide is, will you waste the opportunity you have in your hands or will you start to prosper by reading one topic a day?
The content of Improving as a Manager is focused on teaching how to organize, delegate, provide feedback and lead by applying tools from the philosophies and methodologies of: Lean Six Sigma -elimination of errors and waste-, Kaizen -continuous improvement- and Genchi genbutsu -work from the root-.
Throughout the program you will see specific instructions, but there is only one rule which cannot be bent or broken and that is: Success is your responsibility.
Thank you very much in advance for selecting my book for your professional development.
At the end you will find a link for a satisfaction survey which when you fill it out you will have access to a free 15 minute executive consultation.
P.S. You can also purchase the audio version of IAAM in Spanish in my store at franciscoluismarino.com
Improving as a Manager
Book information:
The book is in .epub format and works excellent especially on IOS (Apple devices).
- 134 Pages.
- Language in English (also available in Spanish).
- No special knowledge is required to benefit and achieve the book objectives.
- Attention: When you buy this product you will receive a link to download which is valid for 30 days, therefore please download the file as soon as possible and save it.
- Price does not include VAT.
- Find in the attached photos the index and introduction of the book.
* If you have a specific question I will gladly answer your call, you can search the contacts on the page or select the following link because all digital products cannot be returned (if for some reason you cannot open the document - although all devices read this format - contact me and I will gladly send you the book in pdf).